Thursday, June 28, 2007

of concerts and lost phones....

So it happened and I was there!!,,,Yup...the Aerosmith concert!...super awesome I shud say!..tho they did not play crazy/janie's gotta gun/dude looks like a lady and it did start late and they did finish early...but heck am not complaining!.....heard a rumour tht Metallica's coming to India/...tht shud be, for want of a better word...fukking awesome!

I lost my phone coupla days ago and it suks:(...a W 700i and its a sexy phone:(...and now am faced with the dilemma of choosing a phone...wat to do! there are soooo maanyy choices out there that its absolutely impossible to choose one! has a good camera but not the sound quality phone has a neat walkman thingy but memory card is not phone has ething but looks awful...another is super expensive....guessing i'll go for a Sony Ericsson coz am partial to them:)...its amazing but ive done so much of research on phones on the net and I dont get tired of it at all...


Blogger X. Dell said...

Sounds like a grand concert. I never got to see Aerosmith live, but it must have been great to hear all of those old favorites.

Sorry that you lost your phone. I hope that someone doesn't abuse it in your absence.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

oh it was!!!...and thankfully i got my number blocked...most probaly the phone's been sold to a second-hand dealer!

8:33 AM  
Blogger Da Rodent said...

@whyami: the worst part about losing phones is losing the contact list. Good you enjoyed Aerosmith.

11:11 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

@ da rodent - i know! its weird to ask anyone who calls or message you "who r u?"..!..

10:12 PM  
Blogger Da Rodent said...

@whyami: and to explain to everybody that you lost your phone., and etc. :P And., how did you lose it? BTW congrats.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey good that u got to go the concert.

How is it possible to lose a phone? Never did it.

4:59 AM  
Blogger Pravin said...

So which phone did you finally go for?

10:19 AM  
Blogger Rags said...

I have a W 700i. I would hate to lose it. Metallica is the band that got me into rock, years ago, but the rumours have been around for a while now. U2 is next on the rumour list.

1:00 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

hi Pravin! unfortunatey... am using my mom's basic nokia phone!

Rags- :( wattey phone!...same with was metallica tht enlitened me....i heard the U2 rumours as well..

10:50 PM  

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