Wednesday, May 10, 2006


this blog is really about nuthing great..but yea its something that affects all of us at some point of time...

Planning...yea some of u dont really wanna do tht...i am totally disorganised..impatient and think on the spur of the moment..and do impulsive stuff.. I guess all of take on the spur decisions. But here I am talking of some really important stuff..

A friend of mine got married recently..2 months ago to be precise. She got married very 22..and guess what like most men her husband refsued to wear a condom!! what i mean by most men here is a relative term...this is an opinion based on what i have heard...and this foolish woman did not take a pill!..I mean when u know u are young and not ready,,mentally and financially ..arent u supposed to be xtra careful?

and so the inevitable duh...and she was so freaked out...I had a good mind to wack her ass (not in thattt way dirty minds!)..but being the good friend I am...i gave her moral support. I know i started off with planning...but yea it goes on to deeper stuff (pun totally unintended)..She did what anyone in her situation would do...have an i know many of us think abortion is a it??I am really not going into the "goodness" or the "badness" of abortion...But what do u do when u have an unwanted pregnancy...ok lets forget this case..or a case of accidental pregnancy due to say unprotected sex or failure of contraceptives...what about rape??should a woman be forced to go ahead with it when the very act so disgusting??would u actually force someone to remind themselves of something that happened because of some sexually driven asshole?

neways not deviating from the topic....she did what she did...and lets say she is more at peace..

I have been getting pissed off at work. People taking off so often..I take off ..I leave early...but thats very who is right or wrong?? Can i say i am right because i dont do it often while they arent because they take things for granted??? Dont things called moral values and ethics exist??and who decides what the standards are?? So if i have no work while ai work and i play computer games am i against work ethics?? and why the #$%^ shouold i bother whether a colleague takes an off or not??

Ok i know i started with "This blog is about blah blah" and totally went way off...But yeah the point i wanted to make was that morals and ethics and manners and ething else that is in that same family, exist in every thing that we do.. like i give lectures about how cleanliness begins at home...and just the other day i was in a hurry, and i tossed a banana peel near the dusbin..not into...coz i was in a hurry, or so I'd like to think..(yes i am ashamed...but i also came bak home and ate two more bananas and threw both peels into a dustbin just to make me happy)

Lots of stuff running in my head and i am just not able to articulate my thoughts.....right now i feel like writing a poem that goes like:

I am happy yes thats me
My minds messed up cant you see
I cant think, i cant blog
My brain is busted, yes its clog(ed) ........

ok maybe thts not really a poem...but i assure u i am mentally stable....yet...



Wooo Lady...First if the man refuses to use a condom, I would refuse to marry him!! It is silly..Pills cause so many harmonal effects in your body and is not the best or effective against std's. Your friend got into it and I am pro choice...If it is unwanted, unplanned and if you get pregnant and if you are mentally able to accept it, it may be very hard if yo ugo ahead with it..Ofcourse generations before us would say tht we were pregnant at age 00 or 00 so why do you ladies make a fuss... when we have a choice, we should make it....
Yes, and ofcourse if you are abused or if you have some medical problems or if you are financially down, it is not the best time to have a baby...

I sound harsh about it for a woman but I guess I am not like the people out here who have made abortion illegal. That sucks!! Atleast it is very normal and legal in India..

You seem to be a bannana eater. 3 bannanas in one day!!

2:19 PM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

hey scribblez...hehe bananas that too...just out of curiosity...i heard that there are some pills that do happen to be safe??neways kindly enlighten so its useful in future;)...i agree with the mentally frnd was always like..yea i will not have a baby now...tho when it did happen she found it traumatic..not bcoz she was upset abt not having a baby..but because of the repurcussions it mite have...mentally and physically and the fact that parents and in laws wud neva agree!!...the things we have to go thru!!

7:57 PM  
Blogger A said...

Ya i agree that the guy was a bloody MCP and ought to be to whipped.but its no use cryin hoarse if the girl cant take things in her own hands.i mean, if she cld not force him to wear a condom, then she she not have had sex with him. and if all this hpnd without her consent , then thats a totally diff story.
Yet i feel sorry for the mental trauma that girl must have undergone.ask to be careful in future..

2:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't think abortion is a crime. I fully support it. In this case your friend should go for an abortion, though on a personal level it might be traumatic for her.

Why would not her husband wear a condom?

6:05 AM  

Why Am I: I had a discussion with a couple of docs and my sis who is doin gher MBBS and they told me to avoid pills and use the condoms. I knwo a friend personally who used pills and when she wanted to conceive later it was so god-damn hard and almost impossoble. Some of them reacat with some components in your body and are harmful. Pills always have some affect in your body as they get stored in your liver and over time having pills will have adverse effects in your liver, unless ofcourse you flush a lot of water etc etc...(Maybe confused can throw more light on this) Go the condom way. You are saved from STD's. Is that not important too...And there is nothing wrong with a condom, trust me, once the guys use it, they will realise....

Confused: Why guys wont use condoms..Well one reason is that because they feel they dont get the same pleasure which is trash. Condoms dont affect that! Another reason is primitive. Its the woman who is afraid that she will get pregnant and its her problem. Its a ladys thing and she should take of it and now impose use of condoms on us....It is silly but many men believe that way!!!

7:06 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

@scribblez - thanks for that! will pass it on to my frnd...another frnd of mine did get preg tho..even tho they used condoms...i guess the risk element is always there..

@ confused - well i guess its wat scribblez said...that he also pbbly tho that the pleasure factor will not be the same...neways now they are wiser and he is prepared to wear even two condoms!!

8:08 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

hehe yea thts true i have a multiple thot processing system:)..and sometimes when ething comes out at the same time..its kinda weird...i shud pbbly try one of those meditation thingies!

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope... meditation won't help because mind is working overtime... You should be proud of such a fast processing, linking, analyzing mind you possess...

Control your emotional & related surges... Emotions are what are giving power to such thoughts emerging in mind...

If you believe in Crystals... then try keeping an Amythest near you.... it gives sobering effect... by the way I have observed that with high mind processing comes better psychic abilities like deja-vu or dreaming the it so in your case???

1:26 AM  
Blogger Raju said...

Notes...I'm taking down notes...
Ok all preferences written down!

@ JackT
Ha ha doesn't she?

@ Scribs and WMI
Think there are too many guys who have argued with their sposes/girlfriends/lovers on this pill vs condom could be a cool post topic.

And yeah I agree mind is working overtime, you should be proud...keep amathyst and crystals as the man says...crystal whiskey glasses of course...a few pegs now and then should keep your nerves calm....hyuk hyuk :D...don't think it will have a sobering effect though!

9:29 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

reflextion - i like thatttt!! tho vodka wud be better:P

10:05 AM  
Blogger SugarBitz n MilkyBar said...

It's sad that in this day and age, such kind of narrow-minded MCP thinking still abounds. I'm assuming the couple are both quite well-educated and 'modern'. Having a family is not something to be taken lightly, with consideration and alot of understanding frm both parties. My sympathies to ur lady fren for having to make such a difficult decision so early on in her new married life...

12:41 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

@ fresh ink. - yeah they are....and i also found out that both of them were being pretty stupid...atleast they have learnt now!

3:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm just wondering if she and her husband can't agree on this important aspect... well I wish them best of luck!

3:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh and thx for the comments on my blog, Welcome to my blog-world :)

3:37 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

@sj - like i said..apparently they didnt even disagree on its not like she said "u have to use one" and he said no! thts crazier i know...

3:38 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

@sj - am honoured ur highness:P..thank reflextions....not a blog goes about without ur mention:)

4:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well.....I think its absolutely alright for her to go for an MTP.

Its much better for people to terminate pregnancies than bring an unwanted child in the world....

And as for men not wearing condoms...2 slaps! But then, I think birth control is a couple's responsibilty as opposed to the man or the woman' vasically threy should discuss what works best for them!!!

10:13 AM  
Blogger Why Am I said...

@chandni - wats an MTP? me wants to "see the light:P)"....yea now they would be once bitten twice shy!!

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MTp is medical termination of pregnancy...the "official" and "politically correct" way of putting an abortion as that seems to convey a diff meaning..

sorry....working on reproductoive health has its effects ;)

8:40 AM  

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